Applications for Powerwall and Virtual Reality Environments
-Winter Term-


• Course-Number:  INF-13270

• Language of Instruction: English


Recent advances in using large high-resolution displays (Powerwalls) and immersive Virtual (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR) technologies allow to explore new perspectives in information visualization systems. The goal of this lecture is to provide students access to a variety of current technologies such as the Konstanz Powerwall, VR headsets (Oculus Quest 2, Valve Index, ...), and AR displays (Microsoft HoloLens 2) to develop new, interactive information visualization applications which make use of these technologies. Students will implement new visualizations, analysis techniques, and interaction methods for real-world data sets. Being a very practical course, most of the time spent in this course will be on implementation work. There will be some introductory lectures to the data sets and the hardware. Our weekly meetings are mandatory and will be used to present and discuss the progress. Strong implementation skills and a decent background in Data Mining and Information Visualization are required.

Recommended and mandatory Prerequisites

Data Visualization: Basic Concepts (mandatory)

Data Mining: Basic Concepts (mandatory)

• Good english skills (mandatory)

Unity Crash-Course

• Having partaken in further Visualization and Data Mining Lectures is recommended.