Dr. Maximilian T. Fischer
Dr. Maximilian T. Fischer is a Teaching Fellow and Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Data Analysis and Visualization group of Daniel Keim at the University of Konstanz, which he joined in late 2019. His research interests include the interactive visualization and analysis of communication through machine learning and XAI, ethical and privacy considerations in intelligence, as well as multivariate investigative analytics through temporal hypergraph modeling. Further, he is interested in infrastructure analysis regarding energy, transport, and communication networks.
Since October 2023, he serves as a Teaching Fellow (Lehrververtretung), acting as a full time substitute for the professorship "Data Analysis and Visualization", teaching courses on data mining, data visualization, geographic information visualization, high resolution displays and research seminars. Supported by the programme "Freedom for creativity" under the Excellence Cluster Initiative.
Research Interests
- Communication Analysis and Visual-Interactive Analysis of Communication
- (Temporal) Hypergraphs and Visual Analytics of Temporal Hypergraph Models
- Energy and Mobility Transition
Volunteering / Invited /Elected Positions
- Reviewing - Regular Reviewer for IEEE TVCG, ACM CGF, IEEE VIS, EuroVis, Information Visualization Journal
- ACM FaccT - Session Chair - Bias in Image and Language Processing
- Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes - Selection Committee - Member
- Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes - Summer Ljubljana 2023 - Lecturer: Seminar on Visual Analytics and Deep Learning
- Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes - Academy Roggenburg 2021 - Lecturer: Seminar on visual data analysis and machine learning
- Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes - Zurich regional group - Elected spokesperson 2016/2017
- More on LinkedIn
Invited Talks
- 2023
- Netzwerktreffen Klimaschutz Bodensee-Region - Workshop on Public Transport Infrastructure, Mobility, and Energy Transition
- Mitmach-Konferenz Radolfzell - Denke global, handle lokal - Workshop - Car-Sharing and Mobility Stations
- European Police Congress - Conference Fair Booth (by BMBF invitation) - Presentation of ongoing research projects
- Visualization and MultiMedia Lab - University of Zürich - Research Visit and Exchange of Project Ideas
- 2021
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) - Visual Analytics Seminar Series - Visual Analytics for Temporal Hypergraph Model Exploration
- 2020
- Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes - SmP Dublin - Technical and Security Challenges of Brexit and the Border
- 2019
- Association of German Criminal Investigators (BDK) - Workshop - Innovative Approaches for Digital Investigations
- German Central Office for Information Technology in the Security Sector (ZITiS) - 4th TechZoom Event on Artificial Intelligence: Deceptively Real - Workshop on Multimodal Data Analysis
Current teaching: overview in ZEuS
2023/2024 Winter | Data mining: basic concepts |
Geographic information systems | |
Data visualization: advanced topics | |
Seminar data analysis and visualization | |
Applications for powerwall and virtual reality environments | |
Research seminar data mining & information visualization (PhD seminar) | |
2023 Summer | Multimedia Retrieval: Basic Concepts |
2022/2023 Winter | Geographic Information Systems |
2022 Summer | Multimedia Retrieval: Basic Concepts |
2021/2022 Winter | Geographic Information Systems |
Seminar: Data Analysis and Visualization (Bachelor/Master) | |
2021 Summer | Seminar: Data Analysis and Visualization (Bachelor/Master) |
2020/2021 Winter | Operating Systems |
Seminar: Data Analysis and Visualization (Bachelor/Master) | |
2020 Summer | Computational Methods for Document Analysis |
Seminar: Visual Data Exploration (Bachelor/Master) | |
2018 Summer | Database Systems |
Research Projects
PEGASUS | BMBF 13N15268: Zivile Sicherheit – Schutz vor organisierter Kriminalität II - Polizeiliche Gewinnung und Analyse heterogener Massendaten zur Bekämpfung organisierter Kriminalitätsstrukturen |
DAAD LIAISON | DAAD 57697521: LIAISON - Collaborative data science Madagascar-Konstanz |
SGC Energiemonitoring | BMWSB Smart Green City (Smart Cities) - Energiemonitoring im Quartier |
SGC Assistenzsystem Bodenseeschifffahrt | BMWSB Smart Green City (Smart Cities) - Ökonomisches Assistenzsystem für die Bodenseeschifffahrt |
DAYDREAMS | EU H2020-JTI-Shift2Rail-2020: Development of prescriptive AnalYtics baseD on aRtificial intElligence for iAMS |
AIDA-TI | BMBF: Establishment of German-Ukrainian cores of excellence in Ukraine - DE/UA Center of Excellence for AI-aided Big Data Analysis and Transport Infrastructures |
PRIMAGE | EU H2020-EU. - Personalized Recommendations for Neurodegenerative Disease - Project PRIMAGE (PRedictive In-silico Multiscale Analytics to support cancer personalized diaGnosis and prognosis, Empowered by imaging biomarkers) |
RPM-BW | MSI-BW - Verwendung von digitalen Fernüberwachungs- und -Behandlungslösungen als wichtigen Baustein bei der Bekämpfung der COVID-19-Pandemie in Baden-Württemberg |
ASGARD | EU H2020-EU.3.7. - Secure societies - Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens, European Commission - Project ASGARD (Analysis System for Gathered Raw Data) |